Tables still have a place--for tabular data. Duh. Such as the Companies table in FDB. But I had to remember the CSS around tables.
First, the basic structure:
First, the basic structure:
table thead tr th tbody tr td
border-collapse: { separate (default) | collapse } border-spacing: { #both | #horiz #vert } - default is 1px empty-cells: { show (default) | hide } table-layout: { auto (default) | fixed } - fixed is like !important for widths For a responsive table, put it inside a container (e.g., div) with overflow-x: auto; Width, height, border can be applied to table, th and td--not tr, thead or tbody.
th and td tags. CSS doesn't seem to like naked th and td. Prefer table td or table th selectors.
text-align: { left | center | top } vertical-align: { top | bottom | middle } padding (margin doesn't do anything; use border-spacing) border-bottom: - for just horizontal lines between rows
For a mouse-over to select whole rows at a time:
tr:hover { background-color: yellow; }
For alternating row colors:
tr:nth-child(even): { background-color: #f2e0f2; }
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